Infant Feeding

Helping you confidently feed your baby

Feeding can bring lots of feelings

Each feeding journey is unique, and I am here to help you through the ups and downs of feeding your baby. Regardless of your feeding choices, I will work with you and your little one to help you feel confident and competent.

What we do

From our prenatal feeding appointments to help postpartum, I see families through the stages of feeding their babies- planning, doing, and refining. Prenatally, I offer education on whatever feeding choice your family has made and help with the prep work. In addition to education, this can look like helping you set up your pump, learning about preparing formula, and/or setting up nursing stations. When your baby arrives, I help you achieve your goals, make referrals as necessary, and help you feel confident. Feeding rarely goes perfectly, and I am here to help you through the bumps along the way. So whatever you want feeding your baby to look like, I will be cheering you on each step of the way.


Infant Feeding

The Beginnings Center supports all feeding choices. Our goal is for your baby to be fed and for you to feel good about your feeding journey.

Your first appointment, whether it is before or after your baby arrives, we will talk through your choices and goals and how you envision feeding your baby. Additional questions we may go over include how things are going (if your baby is here) and how feeding your older children went (if you have older children). From there, we will talk through feeding education- this can be feeding positions, addressing concerns, options you have, anatomy, and more. Throughout your entire session, we encourage lots of questions! We may do some practical prep work such as walking through how to use your pump or how to make formula. This first visit is typically 2 hours. 

On subsequent visits, our time may be shorter (case dependent). We will always address your concerns, answer questions, and share helpful information. 

The Beginnings Center knows that feeding does not always goes as planned. When a pivot needs to occur, we will always look to you for that decision. We do not make decisions for clients but are always happy to offer evidence-based education and a listening ear. Feeding choices are deeply personal, and we support our clients regardless of whether or not your goals change. 

If they are able, we suggest anyone who will be frequently feeding your baby to be present at our appointment. In this way, they can hear the same information, watch and practice feeding technique, and build confidence.

We are always happy to provide a referral when an issue arises that is out of our scope of practice. A tongue tie is one of these situations. We cannot diagnose or treat, but we will refer you to a pediatric dentist and an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (if applicable). If you have questions about your child’s specific feeding needs, please contact us to see if we are a good fit.